Cowgirl Up Fitness 7 Day Jumpstart Challenge Starts March 6, 2017

cowgirl up fitness 7 day jumpstart

Rodeos, barrel races, horse shows taking entries now!

Rodeos, barrel races, horse shows and lots of other fun horse events are coming soon! Do you need to get in shape and lose weight to be a better rider?

horse show

Are you tired of the winter layer and too tight of jeans?

It happens…it’s easy to gain a few extra pounds…or 20 during the winter! The days are shorter, the weather is nasty and the holiday treats are everywhere!

Now is the time to do something about it!

Join my totally free 7 day jumpstart. I’m giving you everything you need to get in shape and start to feel better. I’ve put together my favorite workouts and meal plans from the programs I used to lose over 30 pounds of baby weight and become a fit rider. 

horse rider fitness

To download the free Jumpstart Guide CLICK HERE.

Starting Monday, March 6, 2017

Starting Monday, March 6, 2017 you’ll do a workout a day, dial in the nutrition with a disciplined clean eating plan and stay motivated and accountable in our private free support group on Facebook.

By joining the free 7 Day Jumpstart challenge you’ll get:

  • 7 workouts

  • 7 meal plans

  • a detailed guide book

  • demo videos so you know how to do the workouts

  • support and motivation from like minded ladies


If you're waiting for a sign, this is it! ;)

What are you waiting for? Don’t you want to look great and feel amazing at those first horse events of the season? I know you do because I do, too!

Let’s do it together!

Andrea Otley
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