Andrea Otley

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Getting Fit To Ride - 9 Tips To Help You Look Forward To Working Out

Is “life” getting in the way of your exercise routine? Maybe you are trying to get your workouts in but you’re too busy right now. Maybe you’ll do it week….next month...Have you been there? I have! But now I workout consistently.

So what changed for me? Let me share!

Here are 9 tips to help you go from dreading your workouts to actually looking forward to them!

1 | Find the right motivation

This is personal and only you can decide. Not the doctor, not the media, not your husband or your friends. You have to do this for you. The reason needs to be strong.

In 2010, we took a Disney cruise. During a health and fitness excursion, I got my metabolism checked. They told me I needed to boost my metabolism and they recommended doing a weight training program, like P90X. All I heard was “low metabolism” which I equated to getting fat! As vain as it may sound, that was all the initial motivation I needed. When we got home, I ordered P90X and couldn’t wait to get started.

2 | Commit to the program more than you commit to your life problems

Believe me, at that time, my life was a wreck! I had plenty of problems and reasons why I couldn’t commit. But I made a decision to go for it. I did every single workout in the program for 90 days. I felt like a champ because of my accomplishment. I was slowing becoming a workout-junkie!

3 | Get Rid Of The Fading Motivation

This tip is important! Fading motivation is why so many people quit.

After those first 90 days, I made a mistake. I restarted P90X, thinking I’d have the same enthusiasm I had in the beginning. WRONG! Tony Horton’s jokes started to get on my nervous. I got bored. It was springtime and I wanted to be outside riding my horses. My motivation was starting to fade. So I got a new program. I went with the 10 Minute Trainer because I wanted to maintain my P90X results and who can resist the thought of working out for only 10 minutes?! I found new motivation.

4 | Commit to something bigger than yourself

I loved my new workout program. But I started talking myself out of doing it. I started making excuses. My consistent workout habit started to slip.

I realized I needed help. I found a fitness group on Facebook and made some new fitness friends online. I got another new workout. This time I chose Turbo Jam. For accountability, I let people in the group know when I got done with my workouts each day. If I didn’t report in, it didn’t happen.

5 | Make it easy and create a system

In the beginning, if someone would have told me to join the gym, I would have said no way! I’d rather be out of shape than let people see me workout! My, my, how things have changed! Ha, ha, says me, who now regularly posts videos of myself working out!

This is why I love at home fitness. I can do it on my time and no one has to see me.

Another way I made it easy, in the beginning, was to use a complete workout system with a workout calendar. It took away all the guesswork. I knew exactly what workout to do each day, making it simple.

6 | Schedule your workouts as part of your day

I schedule my workouts for 1st thing in the morning. If it doesn’t happen before noon when I’m in Adel, or by 6 am on school days, it doesn’t happen. I’m a morning person and I know I won’t feel like exercising in the evening.

7 | Always use a workout program you enjoy

If you like the workout, you’ll start looking forward to it. You don’t have to make yourself do something you don’t enjoy. I tested out enough fitness styles to know what I like. My favorite is a good mix of strength training, cardio and yoga. I know I do not like dance workouts. I lose motivation if I repeat a workout program. I’m always excited to try the next new program that comes out.

8 | Stop looking at exercise as a way to lose weight

Instead, use it as a way to improve your fitness by setting fitness goals. Don’t use fitness as a way to lose 10 pounds, although weight loss could be the side effect. Set fitness goals to get more fit.

I used Turbo Fire to prepare for a 5K race because my goal was to run the entire thing. I used Chalean Extreme to prepare for the 2017 AQHA World Show to strengthen my total body and feel like a confident rider.

9 | Exercise is an antidepressant and mood enhancer.

Exercise helps my mood and shows me I can deal with tough life situations. If I can do 10 pushups on my toes at the end of a workout, I can deal with the crowded checkout line at the grocery store, I can deal with the broken refrigerator, I can deal with the wire cut horse.

That’s it! Those are my tips. Fitness doesn’t have to add stress to your life. Fitness can be the solution! I didn’t always love working out. But I changed. If I can do it, so can you. If you feel overwhelmed, it’s okay! You can do this! Just take these tips and get started.

Be sure to check out the Live Facebook video where I go over the 9 tips to help you look forward to your workouts.

| Additional Resources

Here are the programs I used on my journey to become a lover of fitness. I proudly recommend them to you (and offer my affiliate links).

Beachbody on Demand - Online streaming & downloadable trainer-led workouts you do at home

P90X - The first Beachbody fitness program I ever tried. Not recommended for beginners

Ten Minute Trainer - Great if you are short on time. Great for beginners

Turbo Jam - Fun music, kickboxing inspired, great for beginners & intermediates. Now only available on Beachbody on Demand

ChaLean Extreme - Weight lifting program for women. Equipment required. Okay for all fitness levels

Free Beachbody Membership - A great starting point. Helpful tools and fitness info

Join our Cowgirl Up Fitness Community

Does anything about these tips surprise you? What do you have the most trouble with when it comes to getting fit to ride? Leave me a comment!