How I Stay At The Top Of My Fitness Game

Health Coaching For Horsewomen

Episode 4: Get To The Top Of Your Fitness Game With These 3 Tips

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Welcome to this week’s edition of Health Coaching For Horsewomen, a live coaching session for horsewomen who are looking to lose weight and get in great shape to ride and compete on their horses.

On this week's episode, I talk about the three tips I'm using to stay at the top of my fitness game. My motivation is to look and feel my best to show my reined cow horses.

Watch the replay of this week’s show here:

Learn to say yes.

I know, everyone and their dog are telling you to say no, not yes! And I agree. I don't want you to add more things to your calendar or to-do list. 

Remember, from Health Coaching For Horsewomen, Episode 1, we were talking about how our thoughts create our feelings that compel the actions that get us our results, right? We are in control, and it's a beautiful thing!

What did we leave out? It's our circumstances. We cannot control what has already happened, and it's not our business to control other people. For example, if we step on the scale and it tells us we weigh a certain weight, that's a circumstance. We say YES to it. 

But what if we don't LIKE our circumstances or what the scale tells us? My question to you is, "What good does it do you to argue?" Just say yes. Accept the beautiful reality you are living in and see what unfolds. You don't need to stay STUCK in unwanted circumstances. Learn to say yes and feel the relief that follows.

Make it easy.

No matter what fitness program or nutrition plan we choose, if we follow it, we'll see results. The key questions to ask are, "Can I stick with it? Is it doable for me?" We naturally get excited and motivated to get fit. Then we pick too much to change, too soon. We dread it, and then we stop.

Have you done that before? I know I have.

Instead, set yourself up for success. Follow a plan you feel right about, one you know in your heart of hearts you'll keep doing. Don't try to cut calories way below what you are used to eating, don't give up all the foods you love and don't start an exercise program that is too hard for you.

Practice making fitness and weight loss easier by figuring out little systems to use.

Commit to performing at a high level.

I'm watching a new documentary series called "The Last Dance." It's about the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan taking a run at their sixth world championship, along with a behind-the-scenes look into the players' lives. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it!

Something that stood out to me about Michael Jordan is his commitment to performing at a high level. He knew what he wanted and why he wanted it. He knew what it took to get there. He let nothing stand in his way. He was willing to outwork everyone to get to his goal.

Michael Jordan is an excellent example of ownership and accountability, his own. He didn't need to be accountable to other people, only to himself. That's powerful if you can figure out how to get there.

And you can.

He is a human. You are a human.

He did it. You can do it too.

Looking for support and accountability to get fit to ride?

In my experience, what most horsewomen need to get in shape and stay in shape is the support and accountability of others like them.

They also need motivation from someone who gets their unique and busy lifestyle.

Be a part of our Cowgirl Up Fitness Community on Facebook:

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Is there something you want me to talk about in future episodes? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for watching!

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