How To Crush Your Weight Loss Goals

Health Coaching For Horsewomen

Episode 3: How to Crush Your Weight Loss Goals

health coaching for horsewomen weight loss goals

How many times have you set a weight loss goal and failed? If you’re like me, more times than you’d like to count! I want to show you an approach that actually works.

Here are a few points from Episode 3. I want you to crush your weight loss goals and spend more time riding!

What Goal Setting is NOT:

  • A way to escape the here and now

  • A way to prove you are worthy or successful

  • A way to avoid pain caused by negative thinking

  • A way to fill a void or give you something you lack

ERROR: “I want to lose weight because I am too fat.”

TRUTH: What I learned was I couldn’t lose weight because I thought I was fat. No matter how hard I tried to lose weight to prove to myself I was thin, it never worked. The problem was with my thinking.

Why set goals and go after them, then?

  • We are here to experience our ever expanding potential, to see who we become in the process

  • Setting goals helps us discover and work through obstacles standing in the way of our own greatness

  • Setting goals gives the mind a focus and direction

  • Setting goals makes our lives deliberate and puts us in the drivers seat

Goal Achieving Process:

  1. Dream BIG about what you want, put it on paper

  2. Notice the gap. Where you are NOW vs where you want to be. Learn to accept and say YES to what is NOW, like you chose it

  3. Map out your goal backwards, starting with the end and working toward the beginning, creating a to-do list

  4. Schedule each “to-do” into your calendar, daily & weekly

  5. Take 5 minutes a day and 20 minutes a week to reflect and create your daily and weekly plan

That’s it! I’m so excited for you to get out there and crush your weight loss goals.

Thank you so much for checking out the Health Coaching For Horsewomen weekly series. Stay tuned for our next episode. In the mean time, give this post a like, share and comment so I know you want to keep seeing this kind of content. xoxo

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