How To Get In Shape To Ride - My Fitness Routine Revealed

get in shape to ride horses Andrea Otley

Summer is around the corner. Many horsewomen are motivated to shed some pounds and get in shape to ride their horses. Motivation is only the first step. What is the second step? Coming up with a fitness routine that fits our busy schedules and compliments our lives instead of competes with them.

Now, I workout regularly. But I didn’t use to workout at all. My love of exercise has evolved over the years. Today, I want to share my fitness routine so you can get ideas and inspiration. In no time, you can create a love of fitness and the habit of working out.

horse rider at home workout exercises

My Pre-Workout Routine:

  • 4:00 am: Alarm goes off, I get up and brew a cup of coffee, let the cats & dog out to pee.

  • 4:05-4:30 am: I drink a cup of black coffee, listen to a soul-enriching book on Audible while I play Candy Crush for 15-20 minutes. The coffee wakes my body up. The audiobook and Candy Crush wakes up my mind and puts me in a good mood.

  • 4:30-4:45 am: I meditate and journal for about 15 minutes.

  • 4:45-5:00 am: I drink my pre-workout formula and put on my workout clothes. Then I fill up my second bottle of water with hydration formula. I set up my workout area, tracking sheets and queue up my workout video.

My Workout Routine:

  • 5:00-5:45 am: I press play and workout. I use Beachbody On Demand. My daily workouts are 10-45 minutes long, depending on the workout of the day.

My Post-Workout Routine:

  • 5:45-6:00 am: I take a few minutes to enjoy the post-workout high, and then I shower.

  • 6:00-6:50 am: I get ready, make breakfast and help the kids get ready for school.

  • 6:50 am: We are out the door! Let the crazy day begin!

horse rider fitness motivation weight loss andrea otley

How I stick with it:

  1. I workout first thing in the morning or it doesn’t happen. Yes, I get up crazy early, but I also am in bed by 9:00 or 10:00 pm.

  2. I follow a workout calendar, love checking off the days, and enjoy the satisfaction of a completed workout calendar.

  3. I only choose fitness programs I love which are lifting weights, cardio, yoga, and PiYo. I hate dance workouts because I have absolutely no rhythm. I feel like a failure when I try to perform the dance moves. Working out should be enjoyable, not something you dread!

  4. I exercise for 30 minutes or less each day. Occasionally, I’ll do a 45-minute workout.

  5. I go hardcore, high intensity, for four days a week and incorporate upper and lower body strength training, core building and cardio. The other three days are for yoga, stretching, and recovery-style workouts.

  6. I don’t freak out if I miss a day and pick up where I left off. I believe in being consistently consistent, not perfect.

  7. I like going hard for three weeks, then using the 4th week as a recovery period.

  8. I listen to my body. If it feels low energy, I take it easy. If it feels great, I love pushing hard. The post-workout high is addictive.

  9. I workout from home using Beachbody On Demand. The guidance from the professional trainers on the videos, the progressive workout calendars and tracking sheets, the variety of fitness styles and programs gets me in great shape fast and saves me money.

  10. I stopped working out to get skinny. Now I workout because I love how it feels to be strong and flexible. I love the shape and tone of my body. I love the way it looks when I stay in shape.

Here is a sample of my current routine using P90X3:

  • Monday - Upper body with weights

  • Tuesday - High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

  • Wednesday - Yoga

  • Thursday - Lower body with weights

  • Friday - Upper body with weights

  • Saturday - Yoga or recovery workout

  • Sunday - Yoga or stretching workout

If you would like to join forces with other horse ladies looking to get in great shape, join our Cowgirl Up Fitness Community on Facebook.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Do you follow a fitness routine? I’d love to hear about it. Share yours in the comments!

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